Giza, Egypt

Egypt: Our itinerary and Pratical Advices

Egypt Middle East
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Since the arrival of the Greeks, Egypt has almost always been under the yoke of a foreign power. After the Greeks, the Romans then the Arabs and the English reigned over the country, leaving in turn traces of their passage by erecting temples according to their belief mixed with those of the Egyptians. We thus find Greek temples with hieroglyphs engraved on the walls, mosques built on the walls of an Egyptian temple buried under the sand during its construction and frescoes of Christian churches covering hieroglyphs. Here is the 12-day itinerary we made in October 2018 in Egypt and …

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Petra, Jordan

Jordan: Our Itinerary and Practical tips

Jordan Middle East
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What to visit in Jordan? Which city to visit in Jordan? How to visit Jordan? How to travel in Jordan? Here is our itinerary and all our tips you need to know you visit Jordan.  It is impossible to speak of Jordan without addressing the giant hospitality of this nation. Every person you meet – I should say every man you cross in the street, as most women are invisible in the streets – wishes you a respectful and honest “Welcome to Jordan”. Even vendors standing in front of their store offer to help you, even if you just have …

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Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Tips and Advice for traveling to Uzbekistan

Asia Uzbekistan
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Maybe you ask yourself: How to go to Uzbekistan? How does the border crossing and obtaining a visa in Uzbekistan work? How to travel in Uzbekistan? How to pay in Uzbekistan? Well then we have the answer to all your questions right here in our travel tips and advice for Uzbekistan. Located on the Silk Road, Uzbekistan has been able to take advantage of the trading to build magnificent mosques and madrasas (Islamic schools), most of which are classified or protected by UNESCO. Still very closed until recently, the country is slowly opening up since a new president was elected …

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Bishkek, Kirghizistan

Kyrgyzstan: Itinerary and Pratical advices

Asia Kyrgyzstan
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How to travel to Kyrgyzstan? What to do in Kyrgyzstan? What to eat in Kyrgyzstan? Here are all the practical tips you need to know for traveling in Kyrgyzstan. Located on the Silk Road, between the West and the East, Kyrgyzstan mixes the different cultures brought by merchants from all corners of the world for centuries as well as during the Mongol occupation. The physique of the inhabitants is thus a mixture of Mongolian, Chinese and Turkish influences with Mongolian predominance, especially in the countryside. Former republic of the USSR, the older generation is fluent in Russian and the Cyrillic …

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