
International CrossFit Drop-Ins

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Last updated on 07 December, 2018 at 01:21 pm

Traveling for 10 months and wanting to discover other ways to practice CrossFit internationally, we visit different boxes to do drop-ins when our program allows us. Here are some pictures of boxes visited and WODs made.

This article will be updated as we go on with our trip.

Drop-in in Kuvvat Crossfit, Doushanbe, Tajikistan

First WOD abroad for Céline and me. And what a WOD! Or rather, I should say what WODs!

The WOD was rather a succession of WODs. The warm-up had already killed us. Then came some strength with deadlifts and wallballs between the series. Finally, an 18-minute AMRAP that finished us.

Thanks to the two coaches for having us!

Drop-in in Tashkent Crossfit, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The CrossFit Tashkent is a brand new Crossfit. The box is relatively spacious. We were very well received by the coaches and the whole team that evening.

We sweated well with back squats, HSPUs and cleans. We start feeling the lack of WOD as we saw our max decreased.

Drop-in in Quicksand Crossfit, Amman, Jordan

Enormous Crossfit in downtown Amman. It has been around for a long time and will soon change location to further expand.

For us, this is an example of a box! With healthy snacks at the entrance, a place with sofas and a TV inviting us to lay down before or after a WOD and several rooms where athletes can follow the fundamentals or train individually.

We even had the chance to see the ex “Fittest in Jordan”, the woman with the highest ranking at the Open in Jordan.

The class was split into two, an advanced group and a beginner group. The WOD featured back squats and a team AMRAP of three, “you go, I go”, with clean, pushups and air squats.

Drop-in in Pharaos CrossFit, Cairo, Egypt

Crossfit having recently moved in, their name is finally quite logical for Egypt. A very qualified team provides quality advice to improve ourselves (and especially Céline’s backsquats), we performed a strength WOD with back squats (we start believing that we attract them), box step-ups and good mornings. Followd by a team AMRAP of two with burpees and kettlebell one-handed snatch.

We could even (try) to sing Happy Birthday in Arabic to one of the athletes. (Okay, okay, we only sang in English).

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